Jason G. Designs

WordPress Themes, Design Tutorials, Linux Themes and more…

OmNu-Ice theme collection

OmNu-Ice is a cool, light blue/gray theme collection. Created in Themix (formerly known as Oomox), this is a Numix clone.

The theme collection also comes with a separate dark theme, OmNu-Ice-dark, featuring a dark and cool color scheme.

With both themes, I made some customizations to make them stand out from a normal Oomox generated theme. I also smoothed out some rendering issues.

Both themes support the GNOME, Cinnamon, Xfce and Openbox desktop environments and feature customized window themes.


Installation instructions are at each theme’s GitHub page.

You can optionally get the OmNu-Ice themes from pling.com.

At the Pling addresses, I get small donation sums per download.

From the Arch User Repository

To get the themes from the AUR, you can use Yay to download the most recent files.

yay omnu-ice
yay omnu-ice-dark


OmNu-Ice GTK theme in Openbox
OmNu-Ice in the Openbox desktop environment
OmNu-Ice file selection screen
OmNu-Ice customized file selection screen
OmNu-Ice dark in GTK3 Widget Factory
OmNu-Ice with a customized Urxvt terminal
OmNu-Ice-dark with a customized Urxvt terminal


If you want to know what wallpaper the desktop is using, it is Volcano Mountain Landscape by UlisesEkzMoreno at Pixabay.

The two dotfiles for the terminal (and X applications) style are at my GitHub repo JGD-Configs. There are optional instructions on how to make your .Xresources file theme pluggable.

Otherwise, to use these, you may need to replace some color definitions in your .Xresources file.

Icon themes and AUR compatibility will be coming soon.

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