Jason G. Designs

WordPress Themes, Design Tutorials, Linux Themes and more…

Posts tagged The M.X.

The M.X. to use Preset Color Schemes

Post thumbnail

I just wrapped up a decent amount of work for the upcoming 1.2 version of The M.X. Just like in Twenty Fifteen, the default a while back, The M.X. will use preset color schemes that will change as a result of choosing a selection from a dropdown.

The M.X. logo

After about three years of development, The M.X. has finally passed the theme review process! I would like to thank all of my theme reviewers. They were incredibly detailed and found many things that I overlooked. Getting accepted into the WordPress theme repo does not mean that development is going to come to a halt. […]

How to Limit the Number of WordPress Gallery Thumbnails

Upon creation of my latest theme, The M.X., I implemented a way to limit the thumbnails presented within a gallery using php. In The M.X., the functions associated work within the Gallery post format and on non-single pages. So, I followed the tutorial

The M.X.

The M.X. logo

The M.X. stands for The Modern Experience. Give your content a trendy new style with Google’s Material Design. The M.X. comes out of the box supporting many standard WordPress features, such as the Custom Header (renamed Hero Image), Custom Menus, full sized Featured Images and most of the Post Formats.

The M.X. is now at GitHub!

After working on this WordPress theme for almost two years, I decided the best option for my readers is to upload it to my GitHub account as an early release. My newsletter subscribers got this information last week