Jason G. Designs

WordPress Themes, Design Tutorials, Linux Themes and more…

Posts tagged WooCommerce

WooCommerce Styling for The M.X.

After adding WooCommerce compatibility to this website’s theme, I figured why stop at just this theme. The M.X. already had some styling just for WooCommerce blocks.

The transformation of the new WooCommerce driven Products page is now complete. I customized the Shop, Single Product, Cart, Checkout and Account pages. Since the page is currently just an affiliate products page, you won’t be able to see some of the pages, such as Cart and Checkout. So far, there are five products with […]

Jason G. Designs Products will be Managed by WooCommerce

On this blog I haven’t posted anything for a while. The reason is because I have been busy making some changes to the development version of my website locally. Specifically, the changes will be for the Products affiliate section of my store.