Jason G. Designs

WordPress Themes, Design Tutorials, Linux Themes and more…

Posts tagged The M.X.

You Can Now Build a Header with The M.X.

Some WordPress themes come with a “header builder” which allows you to arrange elements in your header however you’d like. For those not familiar with this terminology, a header is the area at the top of every page in your website. It usually includes the main navigation.

WooCommerce Styling for The M.X.

After adding WooCommerce compatibility to this website’s theme, I figured why stop at just this theme. The M.X. already had some styling just for WooCommerce blocks.

JGD-BizElite and Urban Square Ending New Update Support

JGD-BizElite and Urban Square are both very old themes, both almost ten year old themes. Because of their traditional layouts, they are less likely to benefit from new changes to WordPress, such as block patterns and more.

The newest update for the official M.X. theme at WordPress now features preset color schemes. Check it out at wordpress.org.