Jason G. Designs

WordPress Themes, Design Tutorials, Linux Themes and more…

Current Category: Tutorials

Video Tutorial Series- WordPress Style Variations

So, I know in the last post I promised an update would be coming soon for Mixin’ Styles- GB. This update will involve adding Style Variations to the theme. However, I thought further that this would be a good opportunity for a YouTube theme series documenting the creation of a purple and yellow style variation.

You Can Now Build a Header with The M.X.

Some WordPress themes come with a “header builder” which allows you to arrange elements in your header however you’d like. For those not familiar with this terminology, a header is the area at the top of every page in your website. It usually includes the main navigation.

Video Tutorial Series- Themix GTK Theme

It looks like I forgot to post about a new series I just added to YouTube. A few years back, I posted the video How to Create an Oomox Preset Theme to my channel. It did somewhat well relative to other videos on the channel.